
What kind of obstacles will I see at a Spartan Race?

There are some staples in our repertoire. There is also some venue specific and terrain inspired obstacles.

We will not, however, spell it out for you. Course maps may be available prior to the event, however these may not list the names or locations of all of the obstacles.

There is fire, mud, water, barbed wire, and occasionally Hell on Earth.

There WILL be obstacles to catch you off guard. Curveballs, so to speak.

Get over it.

We’re here to rip you from your comfort zone. No two races are ever alike. If you need a road map for each step of the way, then maybe this race isn’t for you.

We will not be able to tell you anything about our obstacles, including but not limited to, how tall, long, heavy any obstacle is or might be, how to build a specific obstacle, or which obstacles you will see at a specific event. 

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